Shannon Smith » After School Program

After School Program

The After School Enrichment Program is a free educational opportunity for students to get extra support throughout the school year. The program runs after school from 3:10-4:00.  The primary focus of the program is to enhance literacy and math skills. Although it is not mandatory for students to attend, it serves as an effective resource for students struggling in the classroom.
During the program each student is assigned to a specific teacher with his or her grade level. The content, skills, and activities being completed and taught will vary by grade level. We will be utilizing a lot of the resources used on a daily basis in the classroom. These include: Wilson Reading Strategies, Google Classroom, Reading Eggs, Raz-Kids, BrainPOP, I-Ready, Xtra Math, and NCTM Illuminations. The students will also be playing interactive games that allow the students to focus on improving their reading and math skills.
We look forward to seeing your child attend the program if he or she is eligible to attend. Eligibility is determined by various assessments throughout the school year. Parents will be notified by mail if your child is eligible. 
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